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Blogging on The Booth
Time for a Third (or Fourth) Political Party
Every few election cycles, specifically Presidential elections, one party or the other has a contentious battle between internal factions that threaten to break up the party and questions whether they can unite behind the winning candidate. Party members and pundits...
State of the Union 2018
President Trump did a good job delivering the State of the Union (SotU) last night. He appeared to stay on message, followed the script, and other than few excessive gestures seemed more like a leader than at any time in his presidency. The team that drafted the...
2018 Government Shutdown?
As of this moment, there is a decent chance that Congress will not pass ether a budget or continuing resolution (CR) for the President to sign by midnight tomorrow and keep the government from shutting down. For months there was a deal in place that kept the...
Golden Graham and Frosty Flake
I have recently criticized Republican leaders including Senator Graham for working against the interests of the country by covering for and enabling President Trump’s ongoing dishonesty, unprofessional behavior, etc. Thus, I believe it is important today to sincerely...
House of Cards (Netflix)
No, this is not about Kevin Spacey or the recent Hollywood sexual harassment revelations. I have been trying to take a break from all the politics and talk about something else for a minute. For a few years, many of my friends and family have encouraged me to get...
This is What is Deplorable
Yesterday President Trump presided over a follow-up meeting at the White House to discuss a potential bipartisan deal on immigration (DACA) and border security. During the discussion, President Trump renewed his opposition to immigration, especially non-European...
Releasing the Simpson (Fusion GPS) Testimony
This is a follow-up to my recent piece on the “cover up” so that I could address Senator Feinstein releasing the Simpson (Fusion GPS) testimony yesterday. Normally I would not support the unilateral release of testimony. The Chair and Ranking member may not always...
Cover Up is Worse than the Crime
Devin Nunes (R-CA) currently chairs the House Intelligence Committee. That committee was first tasked to oversee the House inquiry into Russian interference into the 2016 election. In the early days of the investigation, after the committee received significant...
2018 Midterm Elections – Not a Done Deal
Pundits are already discussing the 2018 midterm election. Based solely on historical patterns, Democrats should make significant gains in the House of Representatives with taking control at least a possibility. Additionally, Democrats should be able to pick up the 2...
2017 Year in Review
We begin every year with hopes and dreams for the future. Regardless of how anyone voted, 2017 began with much anticipation of what a Donald Trump presidency would look like, what a Republican Congress with a Republican White House would do for the country, and what...
Dereliction of Duty
There is an extremely cumbersome process to run for President. While some of it, specifically the nastiness and politics of personal destruction, are self-imposed by campaigns, much of it is by necessity. The position of President is extremely critical to our...
2017 National Security Strategy
Moments ago, President Trump gave a speech about his new National Security Strategy. Most of what the President stated as our “new” strategy is in essence a continuation of previous administrations’ policies. He spoke in generalities, short on any specifics. The...
SALT – A Pillar of Tax Fairness
One of the most contentious provisions of the 2017 Republican Tax Plan is the proposed elimination of the federal deduction for paid state and local taxes – SALT. Many middle-class families have relied on SALT deductions for decades in their financial planning and...
2017 Election – Jones Wins
In a stunning upset, Democrat Doug Jones was declared the winner over Republican Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race. Alabama, among the most Republican states in the country, elected its only state wide Democratic office-holder. Jones clearly benefitted from Roy...
Fake News is a Dangerous Reality, but…
Attacking the media is nothing new. Republicans especially enjoy fomenting claims of media bias to garner support from conservative voters. Let me say up front, I am not a media apologist. In fact, I am often critical of the media. The media is a business focused...
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Keith "Sinista 1" Hayes
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