by dustintuccillo | Mar 30, 2014 | Blogs, quizomatic
Welcome to another edition of “Uncle Bing Says So”, the weblog where your friendly Uncle Bing explains whatever is on his mind that day. The other day I was chatting with a woman online and she mentioned Stephen King’s masterpiece, “The Stand” (that the cover photo...
by dustintuccillo | Mar 23, 2014 | Blogs, quizomatic
Welcome to another week of Uncle Bing’s Favorite Tunes. This week we find that the number one song of the past two weeks, “Heat of the Moment” drops to number five, allowing the following four songs to move up one notch each. This finds Yolanda Be Cool with the new...
by dustintuccillo | Mar 15, 2014 | Blogs, quizomatic
Welcome back to another listing of my favorite songs of the week. This week, we see that Asia holds strong at number one with, “Heat of the Moment.” But, there are a lot of strong contenders in the top ten this week, including hits by Yes, ABBA, and Exile. Exile, as...
by dustintuccillo | Mar 13, 2014 | Blogs, quizomatic
Welcome to another edition of “Uncle Bing Says So”, the weblog where your friendly Uncle Bing talks about whatever is on his mind that day. So, I went to Taco Bell for lunch today. There’s nothing too unusual about that, of course. As we ate, we watched the people...
by dustintuccillo | Mar 8, 2014 | Blogs, quizomatic
Welcome back to this week’s episode of Uncle Bing’s Favorite Songs. We have a new number one song this week — Asia’s big hit from 1982, “Heat of the Moment.” You may remember the song from its stark portrayal of a young couple who begin a hasty relationship and then...
by dustintuccillo | Mar 2, 2014 | Blogs, quizomatic
Welcome to another edition of “Uncle Bing Says So”, the weblog where your friendly Uncle Bing explains whatever is on his mind that day. I’ve been watching the reality show “The Amazing Race” for twenty or so seasons now and an event happened on a recent season that...