In with “Lyin’” Out with a Lamb Victory

As of this morning, March 14, with only a few hundred provisional ballots left to count, it appears Democrat Conor Lamb has won the special election against Republican Rick Saccone to represent Pennsylvania’s 18th District in Congress.  Lamb’s victory is a big upset...

State of the Union 2018

President Trump did a good job delivering the State of the Union (SotU) last night.  He appeared to stay on message, followed the script, and other than few excessive gestures seemed more like a leader than at any time in his presidency.  The team that drafted the...

Golden Graham and Frosty Flake

I have recently criticized Republican leaders including Senator Graham for working against the interests of the country by covering for and enabling President Trump’s ongoing dishonesty, unprofessional behavior, etc.  Thus, I believe it is important today to sincerely...

This is What is Deplorable

Yesterday President Trump presided over a follow-up meeting at the White House to discuss a potential bipartisan deal on immigration (DACA) and border security.  During the discussion, President Trump renewed his opposition to immigration, especially non-European...

Cover Up is Worse than the Crime

Devin Nunes (R-CA) currently chairs the House Intelligence Committee.  That committee was first tasked to oversee the House inquiry into Russian interference into the 2016 election.  In the early days of the investigation, after the committee received significant...