No Security Clearance Means No Security

Presidential Aide Rob Porter was recently forced out after the public learned about credible claims of domestic violence against him made by two ex-wives.  The Trump Administration was aware of the issue for at least seven months prior but took no action until there...

Dear NRA – The Time is Now

Yesterday, our nation saw yet another in what seems to be a worsening and never-ending string of school shootings.  This one took the life of a friend’s daughter, but the truth is that in every such incident families in each community tragically and unnecessarily...

Time for a Third (or Fourth) Political Party

Every few election cycles, specifically Presidential elections, one party or the other has a contentious battle between internal factions that threaten to break up the party and questions whether they can unite behind the winning candidate.  Party members and pundits...

State of the Union 2018

President Trump did a good job delivering the State of the Union (SotU) last night.  He appeared to stay on message, followed the script, and other than few excessive gestures seemed more like a leader than at any time in his presidency.  The team that drafted the...

2018 Government Shutdown?

As of this moment, there is a decent chance that Congress will not pass ether a budget or continuing resolution (CR) for the President to sign by midnight tomorrow and keep the government from shutting down.  For months there was a deal in place that kept the...