No Thanks, GOP, Trump was not a Democrat

I can understand the cacophony of Republican politicians and pundits claiming Donald Trump was a Democrat while trying to distance themselves.  It makes sense they do not want the American people to associate Trump’s policy, performance, or behavior with Republicans. ...

Kurds and the Way

The recent events in Syria, situation in Iraq, and ongoing strain with Turkey provide another opportunity to review U.S. policy concerning the Kurdish people.  The Kurds are an ethnic minority living in regions bridging the Middle East, Iran, and the Caucasus. ...

In with “Lyin’” Out with a Lamb Victory

As of this morning, March 14, with only a few hundred provisional ballots left to count, it appears Democrat Conor Lamb has won the special election against Republican Rick Saccone to represent Pennsylvania’s 18th District in Congress.  Lamb’s victory is a big upset...

Wayne LaPierre Hates America

A person who does not respect our freedom and democracy, the very essence of our nation, hates America.  Wayne LaPierre hates America.  Long time National Rifle Association (NRA) leader Wayne LaPierre gave a key speech again this year to the Conservative Political...

Shame on You, Rick Scott

Most politicians are opportunists, but Florida Governor Rick Scott took it to a new low.  In the aftermath of the horrific slaughter in Parkland, Florida, we learned that FBI procedures failed, and the information provided by concerned citizens did not make it to the...