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Blogging on The Booth
Trump Fails with Oval Office Wall Address
Last night on “The Booth” we discussed the ongoing government shutdown and President Trump’s border wall demands. Our discussion included predictions for his Oval Office address shortly following our show. Unfortunately, we were...
The 2019 Trump Shutdown is Everyone’s Failure
We are 17 days into the Trump shutdown and with no end in sight it appears this will break the record for length of s shut down. This dubious distinction is no source of pride but rather further indication of the failings of our...
Environment Should be the Issue of 2019 and Beyond
There is a famous Sci-Fi story twice made into a movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” The basic plot (no spoilers) involves an alien who arrives on Earth to warn human kind that we will be destroyed before we can destroy the...
2018 Year in Review
The end of the year is always a great time to assess we where are in life. What is going well and what do we need to change concerning professional life, personal life, families, etc. Many people make promises, some to keep and some...
Syria – Trump’s Christmas Present to our Enemies
On December 19, 2018, President Trump declared ISIS was defeated in Syria, that he defeated them, and that he was ordering the withdrawal of all U.S. military from Syria within 30 days. The President announced the major change via Twitter...
How to Fix the Problem with Elections – Patience!
Just when we thought the 2018 Mid-term Election was over, there is one last open Congressional seat and a major controversy. There is strong, reliable evidence that Republican operatives in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District perpetrated serious acts of...
When Even Secretary Mattis Lies…
The U.S. Senate recently received a briefing concerning the murder of Jamal Kashoggi, a Washington Post journalist. Kashoggi, a lawful U.S. resident, was originally from Saudi Arabia and often wrote pieces critical of the repressive Saudi regime. The...
Long Overdue – Immigration Reform
The American people have spoken. Although soundly rejecting the climate of fear, hate and deception surrounding immigration, immigration ranked high among the concerns of voters. U.S. policy cannot be grounded in exaggerated claims of threats posed by a...
Dear Speaker Pelosi
The 2018 Midterm Election is over, and Democrats have won control of the House. The first thing I would stress to Democrats is that it is long past time for new leadership. Nancy Pelosi, Stenny Hoyer, and James Clyburne should be commended for careers of...
The 2018 Blue Trickle
The U.S. 2018 Midterm Election was a pivotal election with much at stake. Every election has consequences and often results in control over Congress, state legislatures, governors, etc. This midterm more than any other should have been about the President...
Rick Scott – The Veterans are Right, Lose the Hat
Ever since his first run for Florida Governor, Rick Scott has paraded out his favorite campaign prop – an old baseball cap with “NAVY” atop the brim. He continuously wore it during campaign stops during his election and reelection. As Governor, the hat...
President Trump did not Belong in Pittsburgh
One of the significant and most challenging duties of the President of the United States is to lead and console in times of tragedy. It is a solemn and important responsibility, one for which few are fully prepared. There is no training, no script, no...
Americans Need to Vote
According to U.S. Census Bureau and other statistics, just under 80% of those Americans eligible to vote register to vote. Whether or not someone plans to vote, at least be registered and thus have the option in the event circumstances change and they wish to...
Florida Florida Florida
Politics “junkies” will forever remember the great Tim Russert’s “Florida Florida Florida” in the 2000 election. Russert predicted the results of the election would come down to who won Florida. As we learned, the ballot in Palm Beach County was manipulated in such...
Brett Kavanaugh – Closing Argument
I had not intended to post another piece on Brett Kavanaugh, but after watching the entire hearing yesterday I feel compelled to write a final piece. The hearing was certainly dramatic, and it was hard to feel empathy for both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. They are...
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Keith "Sinista 1" Hayes
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