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The Corridor: MAGA MAGA MAGA Jihad
MAGA MAGA MAGA Jihad The MAGA Jihad continues to threaten the United States as a free, democratic nation. Although not born immediately of the same religious zealotry, MAGA demonstrates the very same extremism, intolerance, and violence as its religious terrorist...
Here we go Again – Debt Ceiling is NOT New Spending!
I have fervently commented over the years against deficit spending and especially against our astronomical and perilous national debt. Presidents and Congressional leaders of both parties share plenty of blame and continue to do our nation an incredible disservice....
The Corridor: Rollback of the COVID Mandate
This provision in the National Defense Authorization Act is an abomination. It flies in the face of military discipline, force readiness, hundreds of years of proper health and safety practices, and significantly undercuts the position and credibility of military...
The Corridor: The Brittney Griner Trade for Viktor Bout
It is always great news when an American citizen being held hostage by a foreign power is released. Period. It is clear the US worked diligently to get the best deal possible. Russia was only willing to deal Griner for Bout, so at the end of the day it was this or...
Throwing Away the Election
“Elections have consequences” may be one of the most appropriate and powerful clichés or political maxims in history. The natural follow on to that is you must win before you can do anything. The Trump Presidency overwhelmingly proves these adages as I am not...
Pensacola was Preventable
We have had foreign officers from friendly nations around the world participate in U.S. military training and schools for generations. This has been beneficial to all parties and resulted in stronger military ties and relationships that benefit our national...
Lying Liars and the Lying Liars Lying for the Lying Liars
President Trump was caught attempting to coerce Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 Election on his behalf. The key question was how he would choose to address his misconduct. Any decent leader would choose to be responsible,...
Republican Disrespect of the Military
The U.S. military should never be used as a tool in partisan politics just like servicemembers must remain objectively neutral in public discourse. Nevertheless, in recent years, specifically under President Trump, Republicans have...
Death of Baghdadi – Trump Spoils the Victory
On Sunday morning, October 27, 2019, President Trump formally announced that U.S. Special Operating Forces seized the compound of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who detonated an explosive vest rather than be captured. Baghdadi was...
Trump Bungles Another National Security Issue
President Trump had a private phone call with Turkish dictator Erdogan that for the second time (that we know) led directly to a dramatic change in our Syria policy. Last time, Secretary Mattis resigned and Trump was forced to delay the...
This is about Trump’s Reelection, not Corruption
The recent scandal in which President Trump was caught soliciting, in fact coercing, the Ukrainian government to investigate former Vice President Biden has led to the House of Representatives beginning an impeachment inquiry that is likely to...
Looking Down the Barrel – the Peril of Gun Safety Compromise
Our country has been long overdue in passing essential gun safety legislation. Columbine was an early warning and then after the atrocity of Sandy Hook we would surely address rising gun violence. So too would the Parkland murders...
2020 Primary Debates Prove Useless
I watched the first three Democratic Presidential Primary debates of the 2020 campaign as I have all debates in previous campaigns. There was one abundantly clear result from all three debates – they were a complete waste of time. ...
The Biggest National Security Threat is President Trump
During the 2016 campaign, Candidate Donald Trump liked to talk tough. He often criticized President Obama, specifically mentioning the Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea, the “Red Line” in Syria, the Iran deal, etc. There...
Republicans – There is no Neutrality in 2020
In 2016, Donald Trump narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton, winning the Presidency by 77,000 votes spread over Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Both candidates had historically high unfavorable ratings. Trump, then an infamous...
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Keith "Sinista 1" Hayes
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