About Us
About The Booth Podcast
“Imagine sitting in bar next to a booth with 4-5 guys chatting away about anything & everything, and once in a while a friend or two stops by to hang out… That was OTM (On the Mark).” “The Booth” is a spinoff of the successful “On the Mark Show”
Both shows aired on Brockton’s WXBR 1460 for many years, and built a small local following. Once The Booth began podcasting and streaming over the internet, the fans of the show climbed and put a local radio show into the ears of listeners around the world.
Our Goals and Vision
“The Booth’s” MAIN goal is to entertain & inform its listeners & viewers with information, celebs, & news before it becomes mainstream… “The Booth” wants its fans to be able to say when a story goes mainstream that they had heard 1st on “The Booth” and was well informed on the person or topic prior becoming a hot item.
Who We Are
The Booth is an entertaining platform for those who wish to get their information, music or project out to the masses in an interview format while engaging in daily topics with the host Keith “Sinista1” Hayes. Since the show’s demographics are more of an older generation you will see most of the guests more as themselves from a business perspective vs the “character” perspective which at times can make for some engaging converstaion & let you you know more about that guest.
Our Story
“The Booth” is a very successful spinoff from the hit radio show “On the Mark” which was heard on Brockton’s WBET/WXBR 1460 AM with host Private Detective Mark Chauppetta & Attorneys Elliot Savitz & Kenneth Diesenhof (Ken Diesel) produced by Kevin Tocci.
As the show became successful Mark Chauppetta reached out to writer Keith “Sinista1” Hayes who had written pieces that were in Patriots Football Weekly, PatsFans.com & inBrockton.com to come on to cover Sports & Professional Wrestling. Mark & Keith hit it off as they shared the same interests one of those being MMA which at that time was still unsanctioned in most states but MA was on the cusp of becoming sanctioned and was the topic of many discussions early on. Keith also recorded their weekly shows on cassette tape and converted them over to a .WAV file for people to listen to shows if they had missed them… This was the early stages of what we would later call Podcasting.
When Elliot Savitz had to leave the show, Mark moved Keith into co-hosting duties along with Ken, and when Mark was out on a case Keith & Ken would switch off on hosting duties, but also used this time to bring their own format and style to the airwaves…
As OTM became more popular and having mainstream guests the ball was rolling along and had developed a cast of callers who were fans of the show. From the Democratic Cowboy to Philo Betto, but the most known fan of all was Czman a Brockton Cop named Frank Czarnowski. Frank came out to a live radio event to meet the guys and introduce himself & was so full of character Mark invited him in studio bringing a whole new “caveman” element to the show spawning the hit segment “Ask Czman”…
The show remained popular for years, but then Mark’s boys Troy & Andrew who suffer from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy needed to become a priority & Mark had to walk away from his hosting duties and OTM went off the air. A month later WXBR reached out to Keith, Ken & Frank & asked if they would like to come back to the station with their own show filling the Friday afternoon slot… They accepted & “The Booth” was officially BORN with the name coming from Czman and his explanation of how he described the show when he was a fan.
“The Booth’s” 1st week was an instant success… It was the 2nd week of the station streaming over the internet & Sinista1 had ran into the Founder of the Guardian Angels Curtis Sliwa who was in Brockton & booked him for an interview. The interview brought so many listeners it crashed the system proving the show was to be a bonified hit. For years the show reigned in success on the AM side of terrestrial radio, but the offer to bring “The Booth” to the Internet came calling after Sinista1 had filled in on many Internet outlets & realized this was the start of something big… “The Booth” made the move to the Indie Republic Network where it no longer was restrained by the FCC, but held on to its broadcast integrity, and when IRN went off to undergo a revamping the show moved over to here at Whoobazoo.com.
Meet The Host

Keith "Sinista 1" Hayes
Coming Soon: About Keith Hayes aka Sinista1 and Sinista1 Productions
The Booth
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