130 – Heathenism in the US Navy

130 – Heathenism in the US Navy

The Question of the Week

“Could the Chinese Navy sink two of our aircraft carriers?” Sure, if our carriers sat in the middle of the sea with no crew, or support craft and were stationary….. It is a valid question though and I think it is posturing by China, but raises other questions. I think the one question every American should be asking right now is, “How do we pay back the $1.2 trillion dollars we owe China?” Mull on that one for a while…..

heathen definintion

I read an article on military.com called https://www.military.com/daily-news/2019/01/03/sailors-hold-heathen-religious-services-aboard-deployed-aircraft-carrier.html . Come to find out Heathenism is an actual religion. It is based on the Nordic gods. You will recognize some of the gods Heathens worship. Odin, Thor, and Loki are just a few of the deities that can be worshipped. Who knew?

The story goes on to say that, “Aviation Electrician’s Mate 2nd Class Joshua Wood, a practitioner of Heathenry for more than five years, was appointed Heathen lay leader for the carrier. ” This means that the sailor had to meet the requirements from his religion and the Navy in order to be appointed as a lay person. Wood can now conduct sumbels on this ship for others who practice heathenism.

A sumbel is a rite or ritual where a drinking horn is passed around the group. Members of the group say a prayer to the god or gods they want honor and then pass the horn around. The leader then concludes the ritual.

Cynically, I could look at this and say this is just an excuse to get out of work and cause more headaches for the brass. However, freedom to practice one’s goes back to the Pilgrims on the Mayflower.

Mugzy Brady – Understand Me

You can listen to “Understand Me by Mugzy Brady. He is a rapper and hip hop artist from Australia. I am dropping his track at the end of this podcast. Go to https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMugzy/ 

Can’t say it any better
129 Jody Part 7 – Divorce Stats

129 Jody Part 7 – Divorce Stats

Question of the Week

What did I did I do for New Years? I did nothing exciting which was great! I worked on the blanket I am making for a friend with cancer. This was also a year I was happy to do Dad’s Taxi. A service which beats Uber and LYFT. I finished podcast 128 for Mugzy Brady, and just hung out. It was a fantastic New Year’s Eve!

The Word – Jody Part 7

Part 7 is about military divorce statistics for 2017. The divorce rate was flat for 2016 and 2017 or the military. See article – https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/03/21/troop-divorce-rate-unchanged-marriage-rate-continues-fall.html 

“The military divorce rate is calculated by comparing the number of troops listed as married in the Pentagon’s personnel system at the beginning of the fiscal year with the number who report divorces over the year. The information is managed and compiled by the Defense Manpower Data Center.” (Military.com article by Amy Bushatz ). Interesting viewpoint on divorce among female servicemembers. It would appear that female Marines have a hard time. I believe there are a couple reasons for that, but I don’t blame the Marine Corps.

My SNCOs and Officers were right. E-4s and below should not get married during their first tour.

Jody and Jodie Podcast Links

I will add the episode links so you can get caught up. This is a year long series, so buckle up

Links to Jody/Jodie Past Podcasts

  1. Episode 81 – Jody Part 1
  2. Episode 85 – Jodie Part 2
  3. Episode 89 – Jody Part 3
  4. Episode 94 – Jody Part 4
  5. Episode 102 – Jody Part 5
  6. Episode 113 – Jody Part 6

Mugzy Brady – My Journey

You can listen to “My Journey” by Mugzy Brady. He is a rapper and hip hop artist from Australia. I am dropping his track at the end of this podcast. Go to https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMugzy/ 

mugzy on stage
Mugzy Brady in Action

128 – Hip Hop Artist Mugzy Brady

128 – Hip Hop Artist Mugzy Brady

mugzy on stage
Mugzy Brady in Action

Back in November, I had this Facebook Message in my inbox that made me curious. Mugzy Brady introduced himself as a rapper from Australia. He wondered if I would promote his music on Oscar Mike Radio.

I told him that Oscar Mike Radio was a military and Veterans podcast, but if he could send me some of tracks I would give it a listen.

Rap and Hip Hop is not my first love in music. However, I like the older stuff, so I gave his music a listen. Mugzy has a good message. The message in his music is based on being positive and pursing what you want in life. Also, there is no profanity in the lyrics of the tracks he sent me. Listening to the tracks, I became more and more interested in talking with him. We went back and forth and finally figured out a time that would work for the both us. Mugzy is thirteen hours ahead of me, but we made it work.

The conversation started off with Mugzy telling me about getting into hip hop. He had a difficult childhood, and rap allowed him to create and find a voice to make change in his life.

The key to his success and progress with his career is a willingness to be flexible and never quit. There have been challenges, ups and downs pursing being a hip – hop artist, but he has never quit.

So while talking about rap and hip-hop aren’t really military, this podcast reminded me of talking to Fitzy Mess ( https://whoobazoo.com/oscarmike/2017/06/30/episode-50-fitzy-mess-born-bar/ ) about using hip hop to inspire people. Click on the link below to go to his Facebook Page and find out more.

Mugzy Brady Contact Info

Check out the Link for what is going on with Mugzy!
Can’t say it any better
126 PDAWG’s Christmas List

126 PDAWG’s Christmas List

The Word – It is Merry Christmas

Be advised this is a Merry Christmas Zone. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to listen. PDAWG sends.

So what does PDAWG (that’s me) want for Christmas? What would I ask Santa for to celebrate the birth of Jesus? I thought about it and here are three things I want for Christmas.

1. Yellow PT Belt

I can’t understand this. I mean seriously? What is the need or point for wearing this thing? My first wish is to have these sent to the trash heap of military history. We don’t need them to PT or win wars. At $10.00 a pop someone is making money off these bright, non-tactical pieces of plastic. Check this link out – https://www.armyproperty.com/nsn/8465-01-444-1493

What would Chesty think?

2. Weapons

I was thinking about the M1, M16 and M4. All weapons used in different wars. However, if you strip away all the things that set them apart, they are the same. They fire a shell from a casing with propellent inside at target 500 – 700 yards away. I want some kind of different weapon system developed. I don’t know what exactly, but something that won’t fail when dropped in sand. I want a system that ensures we will win fights before they start. 

3. Power Armor

Those who know me, know that I am huge Warhammer 40K fan. That is not where this thought came from though. Reading about Afghanistan and IEDs, I thought about how a simple weapon was so effective against an army that is widely considered one of the best in history. I would like to have power armor that not only allowed soldiers to carry more into battle, but also protected them from harm. What if power armor could detect IEDs and neutralize them before into an AO? 

Not fiction anymore if you look around

Merry Christmas!!!

Evening with South Shore Veteran Assistance

Evening with South Shore Veteran Assistance

Evening with South Shore Veteran Assistance

The SSVA Crew hard at work

I was doing a livecast at Veteran Owned Veteran Operated in Abington, MA.  Jonathan Gosselin asked me to talk about South Shore Veterans Assistance during the livecast. SSVA is a local group from the South Shore area of Massachusetts who support Veterans. Many of these individuals are civilians.

Jonathan said it would be a good idea to reach out to SSVA Inc. after the livecast to learn more about the good work they are doing. It is also a good idea if you need custom screen printing or promotional materials to go to VOVO Inc on 1540 Bedford Street in Abington. Check out Jonathan’s website – https://vovoprints.com/ to learn more. 

So I got on Facebook and sent a message on the South Shore Veterans Assistance Page – https://www.facebook.com/SouthShoreVeteransAssistance/ and Cindy got right back me. SSVA would be putting together gift bags for Veterans that Monday night, would I come down and check it out?

Whitman VFW Post 697 is located about 40 minutes south of Boston, depending on traffic:) The VFW has several events and a friendly bar. Walking into the room, there crew was already in motion assembling the gift bags. Cindy introduced me to me to Dave Andrews who is the treasurer for SSVA. Since SSVA is a registered 501c3, they are creative in how the advocate veterans. Dave told me that the majority of the members of SSVA are civilians. A civilian himself, Dave came from a military family wanted to serve Veterans in a meaningful way. You can watch my conversation with Dave here – Facebook Livestream with Dave Andrews of SSVA .

I wanted to leave you with this. You can make change right where you if look hard enough. SSVA has been doing this for many years, and is always looking for help. Can’t wait to come back and find out more. Thanks for all you do, Merry Christmas!

This is the amazing crew that put together the gift bags for Veterans