Question of the Week

I didn’t have anyone ask me a question. I think for me there are many things going on in our world that people can’t take the time to think about what is going on.

The Word

I am going to do an ongoing series about terrorism. I want to look at data and try to understand what is going on. I have questions and opinions and if you think I am wrong I would love to hear from you. If you agree with me, I would like to know why.

Unit Shout Out

12 B-52s display America’s ability to project power anywhere.

From Business Insider

The 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota recently carried out Prairie Vigilance 16-1 by flying 12 B-52 bombers at once in an effort to demonstrate that the squadron could project conventional, or even nuclear, force “anywhere, anytime.”

The B-52, first flown in the 1950s, is the Air Force’s biggest and oldest bomber, but it is still a force to be reckoned with.

“Approximately 3,500 Airmen from across the wing demonstrated safe, secure, reliable nuclear-capable weapons standards and procedures,” a US Air Force statement said.

By now, the Air Force is expertly practiced at deploying the B-52 anywhere in the world in even a moment’s notice. In fact, the branch tricked the participating airmen and had them fly a week early without a hitch.

“Airmen from the 5th Bomb Wing were tasked to demonstrate our nuclear [capable] tasking without prior notification or coordination,” Col. Douglas Warnock, 5th Operations Group commander, said. “The exercise was originally scheduled for next week, but by starting a week early, it gave our Airmen the opportunity to clearly exhibit their abilities and nuclear prowess.”

he 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota recently carried out Prairie Vigilance 16-1 by flying 12 B-52 bombers at once in an effort to demonstrate that the squadron could project conventional, or even nuclear, force “anywhere, anytime.”

The B-52, first flown in the 1950s, is the Air Force’s biggest and oldest bomber, but it is still a force to be reckoned with.

“Approximately 3,500 Airmen from across the wing demonstrated safe, secure, reliable nuclear-capable weapons standards and procedures,” a US Air Force statement said.

By now, the Air Force is expertly practiced at deploying the B-52 anywhere in the world in even a moment’s notice. In fact, the branch tricked the participating airmen and had them fly a week early without a hitch.

“Airmen from the 5th Bomb Wing were tasked to demonstrate our nuclear [capable] tasking without prior notification or coordination,” Col. Douglas Warnock, 5th Operations Group commander, said. “The exercise was originally scheduled for next week, but by starting a week early, it gave our Airmen the opportunity to clearly exhibit their abilities and nuclear prowess.”

Upcoming Events

Massachusetts Gold Star Families Memorial Dedication

When:Sunday, September 25, 1 PM–3 PM Where: Veterans Bicentennial Park, Davol Street, Fall River, MA 02720

A memorial tribute will officially be recognized and dedicated to the Gold Star Families of Massachusetts (from all wars). This event will be open to the public. To learn more, visit the official website for the memorial here.