I interviewed three Marines from my Marine Corps League. 1st Lt. Brian McPhillips Detachment 1115 Metro South.
Our Marine Corps League is active in the both the Veteran and Civilian community. It was great getting to talk to the Detachment Officers about their involvement and what being in the Marine Corps League means to them. Thank you Marines for taking time to talk with me
You can find out more by going to our website – http://www.mclmetrosouth1115.com/
If you served in the Marine Corps or as a Navy Corpsman, I can’t say enough good things about being in a Marine Corps League. You younger Marines need to check it out!
Sponsor Information
Thanks to my sponsors Joyce Asack and Mark Holmes for supporting Veterans!
If you have been watching the videos, you will notice that there have been changes to the logo. This is due to the work of Marine Veteran Mike Damon. Mike is the founder of Vet Unite – https://www.facebook.com/VetUnite/. He also owns and operates Last Call Designs. https://www.facebook.com/bvsigns/. I trusted Mike with Oscar Mike Radio, you can trust him too!
I shoot archery and have for about 15 years. I am on Reedy’s Archery Veterans Team (https://reedysarchery.com/). Doing archery with other Veterans has been rewarding and a great way to relax and enjoy nature.
Chuck Reinhagen and I met at Reedys. He asked me about my service and how I liked archery. I found out Chuck heads up the archery division for the Fall River Rod and Gun Club. We started talking about archery and what the Tri-County 3-D League does.
3-D Archery is where an archer will shoot at stationary targets throughout an outdoor course. Generally courses have thirty targets, of varying distances and difficulty. I had never shot Fall River before and was looking forward to this course on Veteran’s Day.
I said hello to Chuck and got started. Absolutely loved the course, I liked the wide trails and the shot variety made it fun. #26 was the most challenging shot and I want to do better next year. My other teammate and I had a good time.
Talking with Chuck Reinhagen after the shoot was great. I learned some new things about how the league works. Seeing how Chuck and other like him want to make archery accessible to Veterans, I want to thank everyone in the Tri-County 3-D Archery League for all the great shoots I had in 2019.
Reedy’s Veteran Archery Team is looking forward to 2020. Hope to see more Veterans out there. Thanks for talking with me Chuck!
Chuck with other Archers
Watch the Interview with Chuck Reinhagen. Like and Subscribe
Sponsor Information
Thanks to my sponsors Joyce Asack and Mark Holmes for supporting Veterans!
If you have been watching the videos, you will notice that there have been changes to the logo. This is due to the work of Marine Veteran Mike Damon. Mike is the founder of Vet Unite – https://www.facebook.com/VetUnite/. He also owns and operates Last Call Designs. https://www.facebook.com/bvsigns/. I trusted Mike with Oscar Mike Radio, you can trust him too!
During his service, Conor discovered that there was a serious issue with his heart and he would need a transplant. After his transplant, Conor had a goal to run a marathon. Earlier this year Conor completed the Boston Marathon becoming one of few heart transplant recipients to do accomplish this feat.
Not satisfied with a 26.2 marathon, Conor started training for ultra marathons. Most ultra marathons are over 31 miles, so it is was impressive that Conor wanted train and compete.
I met Conor at Article XV Brewery (https://articlefifteenbrewing.com/) in Weymouth, MA. Conor was doing a fund raiser for the Travis Mills Foundation. Conor had met Travis and it was great getting to hear about his experience and meet Conor’s family.
Watch this space for more updates on Conor’s goals. As of this writing, he succeeded in running an ultra marathon. Watching Conor, take something that changed his life and turn into a positive force for good is simply amazing. Especially since I do not like to run at all! Proud of you Conor!
You can watch the interview on YouTube. Please like and subscribe! Conor Completing his Ultra Marathon
Sponsor Information
Thanks to my sponsors Joyce Asack and Mark Holmes for supporting Veterans!
If you have been watching the videos, you will notice that there have been changes to the logo. This is due to the work of Marine Veteran Mike Damon. Mike is the founder of Vet Unite – https://www.facebook.com/VetUnite/. He also owns and operates Last Call Designs. https://www.facebook.com/bvsigns/. I trusted Mike with Oscar Mike Radio, you can trust him too!
Dean Wegner played hockey for West Point then went on to be an Army Aviator. He was fortunate enough to be a candidate for Ranger School, and successfully completed his career in the Army as a Ranger.
Dean worked in several different industries, apparel being one of them. He has this idea that clothing could be made in America again. I could not believe it when he told me that 3% of all clothing worn in America is actually made in America.
As I talked with Dean, I couldn’t help but be drawn into this simple idea that jobs could be brought back to America. While I think it is an uphill battle, I wanted to be a part of this journey. When Dean showed me the Freedom T-Shirt and socks, I knew that I wanted only one answer to, “Where is Oscar Mike Radio’s apparel made?”
You can find out more by going to https://www.authenticallyamericanbrand.us/. I want to thank Andrew for introducing us. Dean, I am looking forward to seeing how Authentically American and Oscar Mike Radio grow together.
If you have been watching the videos, you will notice that there have been changes to the logo. This is due to the work of Marine Veteran Mike Damon. Mike is the founder of Vet Unite – https://www.facebook.com/VetUnite/. He also owns and operates Last Call Designs. https://www.facebook.com/bvsigns/. I trusted Mike with Oscar Mike Radio, you can trust him too!
I was reading the Boston Herald the other day and came across this article about a VA Nurse who was playing video games on her phone while a soldier died. The article also gave detail on a VA nurse in the same facility who was diverting morphine. Not a good day for Veterans.
JJ is a Navy Veteran and has been a patient in the VA system for a while. He was not happy that I had taken a long time to get my stuff updated so it made sense to have him on to talk about VA medical care. As I said in the podcast, this is not VA bashing episode. I cited the 2016 study by John Hopkins that medical errors are a leading cause of death in the U.S. —> https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study_suggests_medical_errors_now_third_leading_cause_of_death_in_the_us . I asked JJ what can Veterans do to help themselves. JJ stated that Veterans need to take ownership and advocate for their own care. Doing so would allow problems to resolved in early stages. I will be filling out all survey cards going forward! Thanks again JJ, for coming on Oscar Mike Radio.
You can watch our talk on YouTube. Thanks again!
Watch my talk with JJ on YouTube! Please like and subscribe!
Sponsor Information
Thanks to my sponsors Joyce Asack and Mark Holmes for supporting Veterans!
If you have been watching the videos, you will notice that there have been changes to the logo. This is due to the work of Marine Veteran Mike Damon. Mike is the founder of Vet Unite – https://www.facebook.com/VetUnite/. He also owns and operates Last Call Designs. https://www.facebook.com/bvsigns/. I trusted Mike with Oscar Mike Radio, you can trust him too!