Dean and I getting some Freedom going!

Sometimes the whole key to this is to be ready. Andrew Farrer, who was on Oscar Mike Radio 158, ( introduced me to Dean. A few weeks later, Dean was in my part of the country and we worked to make time to talk. I am glad I did.

Dean Wegner played hockey for West Point then went on to be an Army Aviator. He was fortunate enough to be a candidate for Ranger School, and successfully completed his career in the Army as a Ranger.

Dean worked in several different industries, apparel being one of them. He has this idea that clothing could be made in America again. I could not believe it when he told me that 3% of all clothing worn in America is actually made in America.

As I talked with Dean, I couldn’t help but be drawn into this simple idea that jobs could be brought back to America. While I think it is an uphill battle, I wanted to be a part of this journey. When Dean showed me the Freedom T-Shirt and socks, I knew that I wanted only one answer to, “Where is Oscar Mike Radio’s apparel made?”

You can find out more by going to I want to thank Andrew for introducing us. Dean, I am looking forward to seeing how Authentically American and Oscar Mike Radio grow together.

Authentically American on YouTube

Dean has his own podcast, you can check it out on YouTube, or on the website,

173 on YouTube

Check out the interview on YouTube, Like and Subscribe Please!

Sponsor Information

Thanks to my sponsors Joyce Asack and Mark Holmes for supporting Veterans!

Supporter Information

If you have been watching the videos, you will notice that there have been changes to the logo. This is due to the work of Marine Veteran Mike Damon. Mike is the founder of Vet Unite – He also owns and operates Last Call Designs. I trusted Mike with Oscar Mike Radio, you can trust him too!